Working Principle of Local Anesthetic Substances in 3 Titles


Today, local anesthetics or general anesthetics are used in many surgical operations. Everyone knows that these substances work by anesthetizing, but basically the working principle of local and general anesthesia is quite different. We will examine local anesthesia, one of these two types of anesthesia, in 3 items today.

What is Local Anesthesia? How is it Applied?

Local anesthesia is usually provided by applying cream to the skin with substances such as lidocaine, jetokain or by injection into the lower layer of the skin. While lidocaine is mostly found in cream form, you can find jetokain in liquid form. (Do not use these substances without consulting your doctor!) While cream applications provide anesthesia in 10-15 minutes, injection applications give relatively faster results.

How Nerve Cells Work?

It is a very popular statement among the people that nerve cells work with electricity. This partially true statement is in dire need of elaboration. The electrical potential in our nerves should not be confused with the high voltage we use at home. The potential created by the nerves in our body to transmit the stimulus is quite small. There is a system that our nerve cells use to create this potential. This system generates a potential difference by displacing sodium ions (Na+) and potassium ions (K+). This potential difference is the main source of electricity in our body. Sodium and potassium ions are replaced by sodium - potassium pumps. Briefly, these pumps have a very important place for the functioning of the nerve cell.

How Do Local Anesthetics Affect Nerve Cells? How Does It Affect?

Local anesthetic agents increase the sodium concentration outside the cell. This increase in density prevents the generation of electrical potential. A nerve cell that cannot generate a potential cannot transmit the stimulus to the other nerve cell that follows it. Thus, the stimulus is stopped before it reaches the brain. Since a stimulus that does not reach the brain cannot be interpreted by the brain, it cannot be felt, in other words, a match occurs.


Local anesthetics are used for regional anesthesia. For regional anesthesia, it is necessary to render the nerve cells that receive that stimulus unable to transmit the stimulus. Lidocaine and geocaine are commonly used to produce this effect. They cause these substances to transport sodium.

In today's article, we examined how local anesthesia works. Stay tuned for this and similar content.


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